Swiss School of Management is an eduQua certified business school. EduQua is the first quality label tailor-made for institutions in the field of continuing education. The eduQua certification is subject to the Swiss Federation for Continuing Education FSEA supported by the following Swiss public bodies:
- Swiss Conference of Vocational Education and Training Offices (SVC)- Intercantonal Continuing Education Conference (CIFC)
Swiss School of Management Brescia - Milan is founded on high academic standards and is aimed at students with international professional perspectives. All academic courses take place in Brescia and Milan, in English, in our hi-tech and super comfy campuses. Rectorate and admin office are set in the prestigious location at Via dei Musei 46, in the historic center of Brescia, right in front of the museum complex of Santa Giulia, the ancient convent of San Salvatore, renamed and dedicated to Santa Giulia in 915 AD, founded by the Longobard king Desiderius and his wife Ansa in 753 A.D. and built on a site of particular archaeological interest, above the remains of a Roman domus, next to the Capitolium or Capitoline Temple, a Roman temple, the nucleus of ancient Roman Brixia which, together with the theater, the remains of the city forum and the archaeological excavations of the Martinengo Palace, constitutes the most important complex of ruins and remains of public buildings from the Roman era present in northern Italy.
In 2011 the monumental complex was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, part of the Lombard serial site in Italy: the places of power (568 - 774 AD). The headquarters of SSM Brescia is therefore set in a historical museum context that exudes history and tradition, which together with the innovation of highly qualified teaching make it the ideal campus for all students who aspire to attend prestigious Anglo-Saxon universities and colleges, without however going abroad. SSM is an outstanding business school, certified by “EduQua”, the Swiss quality label for further education institutions awarded by the Swiss Conference of VET Offices, SECO State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, SVEB Swiss Federation for Adult Learning and the VSAA Association of the Swiss Employment Centers. SSM Brescia is aimed at a heterogeneous audience of students who will be able to adapt to the rapid changes in the contemporary world of work.
Welcome to the Swiss School of Management in Brescia! I would like to begin my welcome note with a quote from Mario Draghi, dated 18 August 2020: "There is (...) a sector, essential for growth and therefore for all the transformations I have just listed, where the long-term vision must be married to immediate action: education and, more generally, the investment in young people. Participation in the society of the future will require of today's young people even greater capacities for discernment and adaptation. If we look at the cultures and nations that have best handled uncertainty and the need for change, they have all assigned education the fundamental role in preparing young people to manage change and uncertainty in their life paths, wisely and independence of judgment. The road is certainly found again and we are not alone in its search. We must, I say one last time, be close to young people by investing in their preparation. Only then, with the good conscience of those who carry out their task, will we be able to remind the youngest that the best way to find the direction of the present is to design their own future. "For three generations our family has invested in education, training and education, we currently manage our high school with scientific and human sciences addresses, we have founded an IB international school, always trying to stimulate curiosity and search for their talents in young people, aware that in our work the human relationship must always have pre-eminence. It is this vocation that has prompted us to invest human and financial resources, even in such a complex moment as the present, in the creation of a tertiary training center of excellence aimed at those wishing an international degree from a Swiss university of ' exception:the SWISS SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, with offices in Italy (Rome and Turin) and Dubai, Egypt, Myanmar and, starting this year also in Brescia. SSM is a prestigious business school in Bellinzona, recognized by the Swiss Federal Government (EDUQUA certification) and by the United States of America (IACBE certification) and which issues various academic qualifications: BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration or Bachelor's degree),MBA (Master of Business Administration or Master's degree),Doctoral Programs (PhD, DBA or doctorate),Master in Luxury Management, Innovation & Branding,Master of Research,Criminology. As you surely know, the Swiss university system in 2020 was the second best in the world after the United States and followed by Denmark, Singapore and Sweden. ( these considerations and from our international educational and training experiences, the decision was born to bring to our city a university educational model of absolute prestige. All academic courses take place in Brescia, in English, in our hi tech and super comfy campus. Rectorate and admin office are set in the prestigious location at Via dei Musei 46, in the historic center of Brescia, right in front of the museum complex of Santa Giulia Santa Giulia, the ancient convent of San Salvatore, renamed and dedicated to Santa Giulia in 915 d. C., founded by the Longobard king Desiderio and his wife Ansa in 753 d. C. and built on a site of particular archaeological interest, above the remains of a Roman domus and next to the Capitolium of the city. The venue is therefore inserted in a historical museum context that exudes history and tradition and which combined with the innovation of highly qualified teaching make it the ideal campus for all students who aspire to attend prestigious Anglo-Saxon universities and colleges, but without going abroad. All courses are highly qualifying for those who want a true international academic training and are aimed at those who would opt for a university choice abroad. Furthermore, in the event of transition from other university faculties, the ECTS (CFU) acceptance system allows for particularly simple and fluid insertion and curricular transition. What are the benefits of an international academic education? A professional network of alumni and global social eventsInternational conferences with European and American universitiesCorporate visits and prestigious internships What are the qualifications issued by SSM equivalent to? The Bachelor of Business Administration to a 1st level degreeThe Masters in Business Administration to a master's degreeThe PhD to a doctorate What are the admission requirements? Students must have completed their secondary education, namely: Italian high school diplomaSwiss MaturaBaccalaureat FrançaisEnglish A LevelsInternational BaccalaureateUS High School DiplomaA good knowledge of English, written and spoken For those who wish to deepen the details of our academic curriculum, we would be happy to make an appointment and welcome you with our traditional hospitality to explain much more! With my best regards Dr. Stefano Anzuinelli Center's Director